Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Yet Another Year

It is that time of the year when I sit back and plan on things to do in the next year and also start to wonder how I frittered away this year...I have been doing this (the planning part) for some years now...don't ask me about the execution/implementation part all these years though! Anyways looking back at this year, it started off quietly for me as any other year - the routine five day work weeks, in between visits to gym, occasional parties (and social drinking), Friday evening basket ball games, all night long game of cards over the weekends and tennis. In this part of the world where I am residing currently, weather is ideal for a game of tennis all year long and so started playing on a regular basis. Also planned to take few lessons but some how didn't happen (adding this to my to do list for next year!). In the second quarter of this year one of my friends bought a gaming console, XBOX 360. So for the next few evenings, nights and weekends was playing this one game called 'Gears of War' like crazy and soon got addicted to it. For me all the other activities took a backstage for a while. Believe me the graphics and background score in this game are awesome. With the time I was dedicating, soon finished playing all the stages, won all the wars, so slowly got back to my mundane activities-workout, tennis, hang outs with friends, work...

Interestingly, in the latter half of this year any topic of our discussion(s) at lunch or in a bar or sometimes even in our meetings either started or ended with talk on marriage or marriage proposal. Suddenly it seemed like the topic of the town. To me it appeared that, the cohort of people I know of my age, started feeling that it is the right time (or may be high time) to get married. And as expected this year most of my (guy) friends tied a knot-few to their college sweethearts against all odds, few to whom they have been dating for a year or so and few others to keep both sides happy, to their parent's choice. With the addition of few new members to our otherwise all guys gang, group activities have changed in the last quarter- the Friday evening basket ball games gave way to potluck events, the occasional hang outs around bars/sports-bars seemed like a distant past and the card games are played but not all night long. I think in my entire life I have never attended as many potluck events as I have in last two or three months. But no complaints here, since got to eat the delicious home-made food in all those events. These little changes (in day-to-day or past-time activities) in life are bound to happen anyway and it was just a matter of time. I guess also one has to re-define one's priorities as they move on....

Being an enthusiast of outdoor activities, I would say the best part of this year was visiting a couple of national parks during the three-day weekend breaks in summer and fall. The hikes there during the day really tested our mettle and the camping overnight in wilderness gave an opportunity to relax. I think this is all what I did mostly this year but the way this year is coming to an end is not exactly the same as it started for me or I should say not the way I planned...You know things have been a little complicated and unsettling lately. I do not know why, but what I do know is that I give a damn...

As always looking forward to a more fun-filled new year and hopefully things will settle down. Yeah! almost forgot to mention that this year also saw the birth of my blog. Ha-ha!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fear Factor

The other day, I watched this movie about a drug lord who ran one of the most outrageous dope smuggling gangs in Harlem, NY. His name is Mr. Frank Lucas and the movie is American Gangster. The making/storyline of this movie is no different from a typical gangsta estyle movies- the incumbent who built this gang brick-by-brick falls either sick or dies (suddenly), one among the henchmen (the hero) who is by his side all the time, learning insides of the trade, takes over. As it is true with any corporation to restructure or reorganize based on changing market needs/demands to survive or increase the profit margins, this organization is no different. The rookie boss alters few rules of the game by eliminating the middlemen and thus in a short period increases the revenues many folds. Not only professionally but also in personal life he makes some strides- happens to meet this good looking lady (apna number kab aayega??) and being rich and powerful, it is just a matter of couple of scenes before she falls for him. While all this is happening hastily on the bad guys side, there is someone who has an eye on their activities. Good guys (Cops, FBI etc.,) on the contrary maintains low profile, waiting for a right opportunity to conquer...they close in few times but (for various reasons) are not successful until the end of the movie...At last like in any other movie, the good prevails over the evil. All this is stretched (that is what I felt) over 160 mins. There are few (interesting) aspects in this genre of movies and hence irrespective of the popular opinion I watch whenever there is one playing. Primarily the modus operandi of these gangs- they demarcate the markets and operate within their respective zones; strictly no trespassing is entertained (Sab ganda hai per dandha hai hey!). Since no attorneys or written statements or stamp papers are involved, trust is the key to all their transactions; promises made are not meant to be broken and the deadlines are not flexible. All transactions are cash only. Since the stakes are pretty high there is no excuse for any kind of lapse in work for the team members. By the way, membership in the team is for life time and there is no other choice (Yeh woh raasta hai jahan mudna mushkil!). The other aspect is their lifestyle- date & drink::women and alcohol respectively. All the so called socialites they get to meet, date and mate is certainly a thing to be envious about their profession. I think apart from huge amount of money involved, the one other incentive to work as gangster is the free flow of alcohol in parties (and no ID is necessary to drink). Seems like work hard and party harder is their motto! But I know this is a kind of lifestyle which is adorable on reel and not in real. Although sounds stupid, worth a try... if not for real, may be in 'Second Life'...
Finally, I think the one influencing factor in all their activities is the fear factor- fear of death, fear of life...because there is no second chance!
I want to skribble more but seems like my body is against the idea..I am not going to argue with it because I know it is an argument that I am not going to win..So going to sleep now...

Monday, November 12, 2007

At Last...

Couple of years ago, at about the same time, while on a subway in the city I read an article that this e-diary phenomenon of publishing one's own material is fast catching up (or may be caught up already) among the masses....At that point in time, I thought I should keep up with this Gen X by beginning to write. But of course true to my habit of procrastinating work, it took me close to two years to begin to write (write is an overstatement; may be Skribble). I was fascinated learning about the innumerable blogs published these days by aam junta on various topics;you name it, you are certain to find a corresponding blog. This new self-publishing of material has become such a serious phenomenon that, even the big corporations in technology, finance and broadcasting etc., in order not to be left out have begin to write. Few of them even have dedicated resources to write. With internet attracting a large number of unique users everyday, this has become a good marketing medium for product based companies, discussing their new launches, getting to know good/bad about the product from it's users and also (I guess) in better understanding their user's pulse. The perfect example would be the movie "Snakes on a Plane". Way before this movie was released in theaters, people started writing, discussing and guessing the story line providing a free publicity, much needed to the success of any movie with a poor subject. The much hyped movie bombed at the box office though. The reason (I believe) for the popularity of self-publishing is people are writing for him/her self and not giving a damn of what others might think. Wow! I started with an idea to write a line or two, hoping to catch up with this new generation of writers guild but looks like I ended up with some (in)substantial material. I am not sure how long will this zeal to Skribble lasts in me though...