Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sent from my iPhone

I thought it wud be easy to post from my phone...I mean from my
iPhone :)
Apparently it's not :(

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Amazing Amazon

Happy New Year! I know I know it's Feb, but I guess it's better late than never... It's been ages since my last post. Writer's block?? Nah!! I am not a writer... me a part time skribbler :)

Last few months were exciting and also filled with anxiety- was in my city for vacation, extended the stay (due to an unforeseen event), worked from there, explored the city- its new malls, multiplexes and ate biryani- the best made in the world. All the things happened (to me, to my city) in the last two months of the last year definitely warrant another post.

Anyway, couple of months before my vacation, I did something which I never did in my life (no guesses please!!)- I pre-ordered a book. Having read all the Dan Brown's previous books, I was excited to get and read his latest "The Lost Symbol" on the day of its release. After a painful wait of about a month and half (which I regretted after reading the book), finally the release/delivery date of the book arrived. I rushed home from work not to miss the package. But guess what, the wait continued. The book's arrival date got delayed by a day. For first time I pre-ordered something and it didn't arrive on time (damn you Mr. Murphy!!). I wouldn't say I was disappointed or something as delays are not uncommon to me and it is just a book. Next day I finished reading the book. There is not much to say about the book except that it is not on par with its original. Like any other sequel (book or movie), it failed to impress.

As usual life was happening a day at a time and couple of weeks later I get this email from Amazon. Apparently, as per their records, my last purchase (remember, the pre-ordered book) made with them didn't get delivered on time and so they'll refund the shipping charges. Isn't that amazing. I was surprised, impressed. In so many years of online shopping at so many sites, this never happened in my life. Most of these e-retailers not even bother to check with the customers after the transactions are complete let alone provide refunds. A simple email asking the customers if they are satisfied or if there is any feedback about their recent purchases could go a long way. Every e-retailer out there must look at the way these guys are winning customer base by doing no evil. They just won one loyal customer for life. No wonder what started as a simple site to sell books became the Wal-mart of the internet.